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ben and jerrys non dairy strawberry cheesecake and impretzively fudged and peanut butter smore ice cream from transcold distribution 2.4 gallon tubs

We’re thrilled to introduce three exciting new Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavors, now available in both pints and 2.4-gallon tubs for food service (for our U.S market only):

Peanut Butter S’more: Your classic s’mores experience is about to be elevated to a state of peanut buttery bliss with this combination of toasted marshmallow ice cream with graham cracker pieces, marshmallow swirls and peanut butter cups!

Impretzively Fudged: With pretzels-a-plenty in rich chocolate ice cream, this pint is packed with sweet & salty satisfaction. You’re bound to be impretzed!

Non-dairy Strawberry Cheesecake (Oat-based): Strawberry cheesecake non-dairy frozen dessert with strawberries and thick graham cracker swirl.

Mango (2.4 gallon tubs only): Crafted from the finest ripe mangoes, each scoop offers a burst of tropical sweetness and refreshing flavor!

February 28 Partial Closure

Our call centre and Canadian offices will be closed all day on February 28th to attend annual meetings. All deliveries will proceed as scheduled. American locations will not be impacted other than the call centre closure. For call centre emergencies, please contact 778-710-6325.